Tips for Running Class Rep Elections

  • Decide how many class reps you require (refer to the Code of Practice for guidance on this)
  • Publicise the rep role and the support offered.  Options:
    • Use the 'Becoming a Class or PGR Rep' presentation (or customise the information and make your own)
    • Make this part of induction
    • Use email and/or Moodle
    • Offer a named person for hesitant potential candidates to speak to before they decide whether to put their name forward, to answer any questions about the role and provide reassurance if needed. Suggest any possible candidates contact their SRC School Representative for more information

Practice Example - School of Culture and Creative Arts

At the start of the year the Chair of the School Learning and Teaching Committee gets in touch with Heads of Subjects to ensure they know guidelines for elections.  The 'Becoming a Class Rep' powepoint presentation is circulated.  The Head of School has responsibility for co-ordinating elections, which happen across each subject using the voting system on Moodle. 

  • How will voting take place?  In-class?  Anonymously online?  How much time is available to vote? When will the results be available? How will they be announced? Decide this before voting and include in your explanation of the election process to students
  • Explain the election process to all students
  • Ask candidates to put forward a mini-manifesto (100 words or so) outlining their suitability for the role. Make sure these are available for students to view online/on Moodle.

Practice Example - The Adam Smith Business School

The ASBS runs its undergraduate programme rep elections online via Moodle.  This allows for a system of anonymous voting.  Each candidate must put forward an application of 200-300 words outlining their relevant skills and why they want to be a rep.  They are required to give consent to their contact details being shared if they are successful (if consent is not given, the application cannot be taken forward).

The School provides information on the rep elections via email, inductions and social media.  Students are encouraged to stand for being a rep by selling skills – working with the College Employability Officer to make this specific to the School.

  • After the election, you need to:
    • Upload successful reps’ details to MyClassReps
    • Remind reps of the SRC Class Rep Training
  • After the election, you may also wish to:
    • Send a welcome email to the class reps, reiterating support available during their role, ensuring they know when the first meeting will be etc.
    • Hold a welcome event where new reps can meet existing reps and the Chair of the SSLC
    • Issue an introductory information pack including the last SSLC minutes/a copy of the latest Summary and Response Document
    • Help to ensure students on the course know who is representing them by making reps’ details readily available to students (on Moodle/subject noticeboards/etc)

Practice Example - The Adam Smith Business School

The ASBS creates Moodle pages for reps (these include papers, collecting feedback, information on all meetings in the School, information on different roles, a forum for discussion, and contact details which include SRC reps.  The reps’ details are shared – their picture, email, subject studied and their application to be a rep.